Who Would Win Set A (8 books)

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This nonfiction reader compares and contrasts two ferocious animals. Readers will learn about each animal's anatomy, behavior, and more. Then compare and contrast the battling pair before finally discovering the winner! This nonfiction series is full of facts, photos, and realistic illustrations, and it includes a range of mammals, sea creatures, insects, and dinosaurs to satisfy all kinds of animal fans.

Who Would Win?: Hornet Vs. Wasp
Who Would Win?: Alligator Vs. Python
Who Would Win?: Rattlesnake Vs. Secretary Bird
Who Would Win?: Lobster Vs. Crab
Who Would Win?: Jaguar Vs. Skunk
Who Would Win?: Hyena Vs. Honey Badger
Who Would Win?: Green Ants Vs. Army Ants
Who Would Win?: Falcon Vs. Hawk

書本格式:Paperback 平裝版 / 全彩
書本尺寸:15.4 x22.9 cm